Minggu, 07 September 2014

Erwin Smith

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Erwin Smith redirects here. For other uses, see Erwin Smith (Disambiguation).

Erwin Smith
Anime | Manga Commander Erwin
Name Erwin Smith
Biological Information
Gender Male
Birthday October 14th[1]
Height 188 cm
Weight 92 kg
Affiliation Survey Corps Logo Survey Corps
Species Human
Status Alive
First Appearance
Manga To You, 2000 Years From Now
Anime To You Two Thousand Years Later
Anime Daisuke Ono
Image Gallery
Commander Erwin Smith (エルヴィン・スミス団長 Eruvin Sumisu Danchō?), sometimes known as Chief Erwin, is the 13th commander of the Survey Corps. Far-thinking, intelligent, respected, Erwin is an able commander and while he cares as deeply for his men, he would not hesitate to sacrifice them for the future of mankind (and soldiers of Survey Corps seem to be aware of this. Despite this knowledge they are still extremely loyal to him). He developed the "Formation for Long Distance Enemy Detection."


Erwin has a commanding presence. He stands at 6'2", with his blond hair kept neatly parted on the left side. Erwin always wears a calm, collected expression on his face, his icy blue eyes being one of his most striking features. His eyebrows are also quite noticeable, being very thick and bushy.
Erwin typically dresses in the standard military uniform, donning the Survey Corps' signature green cape when on missions. He also wears a small, emerald medallion around his neck.
Following the second appearance of the Armored Titan, Erwin has lost his right arm just below his shoulder.


Erwin is portrayed as serious, calculating, seeing and planning far for the future. While he trusts his men, he is the first to realize that there is a spy interfering with the Survey Corps and arranged for his/her capture. He is an eloquent speaker, able to sway many people, such as the war tribunal held to judge Eren and the trainees choosing recruitment branches to join.
Erwin is very grim. He accepts all news, good or bad, mockery or praise, with the same attitude because he knows his objectives and will follow through with them.
He shares this unique stoic quality with men such as Head Administrator Dot Pixis, squad leader Ian Dietrich and Generalissimo Darius Zackly. As Armin puts it, Erwin, like the aforementioned three men, has the ability to send his men to die if it will further the cause of humanity. He and they will sacrifice their own humanity in order to bring change to a world where those who cannot sacrifice things important to them will not change anything.


Erwin's father was a brilliant teacher, but also intensely curious about the mysteries of the world. Erwin was among the students taught in his classroom, and during a lesson on the history of Humanity, he asked a question that his father could not genuinely answer. Later that evening, his father secretly shared with him a heretical theory: the official text books distributed by the government contained many contradictions. All knowledge of the outside world was declared Taboo 107 years prior, but even that would not have prevented the first generation from telling their children stories. He had concluded that the first generation's memories had been altered, allowing the monarchy to control them better.
Innocent of the danger, Erwin shared this theory with other children. This drew the attention of the Military Police's 1st Brigade, who approached him and inquired about his father's theories. Later that day, his father was killed in an accident in another town. However, Erwin correctly guessed that his father had been murdered for getting too close to the truth. From then on, he devoted his life to proving his father's theories true. [2]
Towards this end, he would enlist in the military and join the Survey Corps. During training, he became friends with Nile Dok. He would serve as a trusted officer to Commander Keith Shadis, eventually taking his place when the other retired and became an instructor.


Fall of Shiganshina arc

Erwin is first introduced taking part in the latest Scouting expedition before the fall of Wall Maria.[3]

Battle of Trost District arc

He is later formally introduced when the Survey Corps is clearing a town inside Wall Maria. They discover Titans are moving north, towards the Trost District of Wall Rose. Fearing a breach, they head to Trost District and narrowly save a trapped Eren, Armin, and Mikasa after their mission to block the hole is complete.
Erwin later on explains the upheaval Eren has caused in the politics of humanity.

The Female Titan arc

Later, he successfully gets Eren recruited into the Survey Corps and arranges for his study by Hange Zoë, a Titan scientist and squad leader.[4]
At the recruitment drive, his speech about the future of humanity convinces most of the top 10 trainees from Eren's unit to join the Survey Corps.
After the death of the Titan research subjects, Bean and Sonny, he tests everyone in the Survey Corps by asking them a direct, but confusing question to gauge their reactions. When this turns everyone innocent, he begins planning the next expedition to capture the spy, guessing they have abilities similar to Eren and are intent on sabotaging the expedition.
However the plan fails as the Female-type Titan manages to escape but only after inflicting massive casualties on the Survey Corps party. Erwin is forced to call a retreat back to the Wall's safety.
For the costly failure of this mission, Erwin is blamed for the fiasco and summoned to the Imperial Capital to explain. However, he trusts Armin's gamble that Annie Leonhart is the Titan and orders her covert capture en route to the meeting. He briefly explains this to Nile Dok.
She is eventually apprehended and Erwin goes into an emergency meeting held to sort out the day's events. He manages to convince the council that despite the expedition failure and subsequent death of some civilians in the inner city, they finally catch the female-type Titan successfully and this indicates that there must be more of her kinds hiding among them.

Clash of the Titans arc

He is still there when Wall Rose is breached. Erwin helps coordinate the effort to locate the breach with the Stationary Guard, but is unable to have it located.
He is too late to save Eren from being captured by Reiner and Bertolt who reveal themselves as the Armored and Colossal Titan, respectively. However, Erwin quickly assembles a combined force of all branches of the military to rescue Eren.
Upon sight that Eren has been captured by Reiner, Bertolt and Ymir he orders all squads to go ahead with him and letting the Titans follow them, much to the dismay of the fellow Soldiers who call him a Monster believing he uses them as Decoy. Erwin assures that is not his intention, that the Military Police fights admirably and that his men should fulfill their duty as Soldiers.
As the 104th were reunited they along with Hannes watch in shock as Erwin leads a pack of Titans right to them. The group is forced to briefly retreat and watch as the Armored Titan is overwhelmed by the horde. Erwin orders them to head into battle, stating that humanity has no future if Eren is lost. However, as he leads the charge a Titan manages to catch him by his right arm and drags him from his horse. He orders the others to continue the mission, while a handful stay behind to fight the Titan chewing on him.
His fate is revealed a short time later, when he manages to ambush and wound Bertolt. This allows Eren to be rescued, and Erwin immediately orders all surviving forces to retreat. Though still alive, his right arm has been severed just below the shoulder with a makeshift tourniquet secured around the stump. Ignoring his injuries, he continues to command the mission. [5]The retreat fails, however, when the Armored Titan panics and begins to throw Titans to block their path. The retreat and the mission to rescue Eren ultimately succeeds in the end when Eren unknowingly used his powers to control other Titans to attack the Armored Titan and Bertolt. [6]
A week later, recovering in a hospital, Erwin learns from Hanji that the Titans they have fought within Wall Rose were very likely once human. Erwin is briefly shaken by this revelation, but quickly regains his composure, resolving to continue with plans to retake Wall Maria and seek out those who know the secrets of the walls.[7]
Once released from the hospital, Erwin heads to the capitol to meet with officials concerning Eren. He meets with Nile Dok for the carriage ride over, and the two briefly discuss their past friendship. Erwin questions whether handing Eren over would end the current crisis, and provides Nile with a vague warning that obeying orders may not align with protecting his family. [8]
Unsatisfied with the results of his meeting, Erwin goes to meet with Dot Pixis and proposes that the military stage a coup d'etat. [9] The two commanders discuss the risks involved with such a plan, including the potential bloodshed and being executed as traitors if it fails. Erwin states his intentions to simply replace the King rather than killing him, but asks Pixis to wait with him for confirmation of the final piece of the plan. In the meantime, he recounts the events of his childhood that shaped the course of his life. Based upon his father's theories, and the evidence they have gained concerning the Titans, the Walls, and Eren's powers.....he concludes that 107 years ago, the memories of humanity were altered to erase knowledge of the outside world.
A messenger arrives with a note for him, confirming the final piece necessary for their revolution. Erwin purposes that they dispose of the King and replace him with Historia Reiss, the bastard child of the "true" rulers of humanity. [10]


Erwin Smith's Statistics[11]:

Battle Skill


Chara detail elvin
Erwin's character design for the anime
  • He is attributed with the literal title of "leader of the [Scouting] Legion" (団長 danchō), often translated as "Commander".
  • Erwin's motif was based on Adrian Alexander Veidt/Ozymandias, a character from Watchmen.
  • Another influence for the character appears to be Erwin "Desert Fox" Rommel, who he shares his first name and a significant date -- October 14th, the date of Rommel's death and Smith's birth. Rommel was a famed German Field Marshall from WWII noted for his exceptional skills as a commander and willingness to defy his superiors' unjust orders. He was involved in the failed plan to assassinate Adolf Hitler, but considered such a national hero that it was necessary to eliminate him quietly. After being forced to commit suicide, his death was announced as a heart attack and he was given a state funeral with full honors.
  • According to Hajime Isayama, Erwin is single because he's not certain when he will die.[12]

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